05 May 2010

WIP Wednesday: Aphros is complete

I even blocked the additional portion of the stole this afternoon, but the tree pollen is conspiring to make me as un-photogenic as possible, so you will have to wait a few days before Aphros and I smile for the camera.

This time I worked the edging from my chart, rather than the original written instructions, and it went much faster. I do love charts; however, I know not everyone likes charts (and some people look at them and just get gobbledeygook in their minds), so the edging will also be written out in the pattern.

In the picture below you can see the difference blocking makes. We have egg carton on the right and smooth, blocked out waves of seafoam on the left.
Tonight and tomorrow I have "real work" to do, but I hope to have the Aphros pattern ready to go on Friday.

1 comment:

  1. It looks great -- and on charts, I loves me a good chart...

    Thea (Maya's been on email again...)


what do you think?