03 September 2013


It ain't just a river in Egypt, people. I am in total denial that we are back in NYC, and the soggy weather isn't helping. Nor is the fact that the children don't start school until next week, but Nick starts teaching today. So, it's difficult to focus on pattern writing/editing/layout. And I'm knitting the border for a pi shawl, which means working the same eight-row edging pattern 144 times. Whee. Actually, that's not bad and better in terms of knitting in this weather than redoing the attached front edging on the sweater I worked up in Maine. I do not want that on my lap right now. 

In exciting knitting news, Sailor's Valentine was featured in a Craftsy blog post last week along with some other nautical knits, which made me very happy. An early birthday present (ten days until the big day), if you will. Guess if better get cracking on my annual wish list post. 

Until then, happy knitting!

It's not much of a post without a picture!
The upside to being back in New York? Dinner at John's Pizza in the Village followed by a small scoop of nocciola gelato at Grom whose A/C required me to don my Tempest cardi (Malabrigo Sock in Impressionist Sky)

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