I'm very excited to have signed up for a couple of classes in the next few weeks.
Two-Handed Fair Isle at Fiber Revival on the afternoon of the 15th, and it turns out that the teacher, Isobel (yes, spelled just like my Isobel), once lived a block from our apartment in New York, though she now lives in Portsmouth. It's a small world out there, especially in New England, I think.
I'm really looking forward to improving my colorwork skills. And if that doesn't work, I hope to find some way to get back up here to Maine the first weekend in October to take Mary Jane Mucklestone's class at Purl Diva.
Did you read the profile of Ms. Mucklestone in Interweave Knits by Julia Farwell-Clay? I haven't yet, but Nick should be bringing my issue back from NYC tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to it, as well as the rest of the issue. And I'm looking forward to attending the Fiber Revival, which, I believe, began in 2007, not long after I left Boston's North Shore for Chicago's. I hope to see old friends and make some new ones.
Then I get to meet Franklin Habit. Finally! Between Chicago, New York, Boston, and Mid-Coast Maine I should have met Mr. Habit long ago, but somehow it never worked out. Now, it's working out perfectly.
I'll be able to take his Photographing Your Knitting class at Loopy Yarns on Saturday the 22nd. We arrive in Chi-town on Friday to see my dear in-laws and meet our new niece (Nick's sister is pregnant with her first baby - knit pics to appear in this space shortly), then we'll head for Door County after my class to spend the week with my family (my parents, my brother and his wife and their two kids; sadly for us my sister will be just getting back to Germany after a month in Afghanistan, so we won't see her until Christmas). Somewhere in there we need to see my BFF and her family, too, especially as her little big man just broke his leg. Ugh! Poor everyone. Any thoughts on entertaining an active, sports-enthusiastic almost-five-year-old in a full-leg cast? While keeping the toddler man happy, too? And I thought I had it bad in my rain-soaked, doorless cottage earlier this summer.
Now I'm off to work on a new design, hoping to submit it to a cool, online knitting publication. Cross your needles for me :)
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