19 March 2011


And I wondered what I was going to blog about today (the birthday party Isobel attended at Chelsea Piers was interesting but not particularly blog-worthy - I am a terrible bowler, though I do have fun), and then my friend Emily invited me to join Pinterest. Just what I need: roll Flickr, Etsy, Facebook, and your favorite food/home/style/knit blogs into one, and Ravelry for those of us who spend days scrolling through patterns. And I thought I had trouble tearing myself away from my computer before!

I think it's a great tool. Now, I just have to figure out how to pin all those beautiful things I've been saving to my hard drive. Guess I need a rainy day once the kids are back in school.

18 March 2011

March Madness

I don't think it gets much better than this. What a gorgeous day! We went to the Highline this morning with the kids and then checked out Chelsea Market (I was overwhelmed by the options and ended up eating nothing there - crazy!), which I had also never been to. Top it off with some park time in the afternoon and dinner at Mel's Burger Bar with friends. Seriously close to perfect.

And, frighteningly, not a stitch knit. What is going on? I think I'm kind of stuck on my next design project, since I have some seriously gorgeous yarn waiting (tosh pashmina in Bloomsbury, which is such a me color I'm struggling to create the perfect project for it, as well as tosh vintage and lace, both in the makes-you-crazy-it's-so-gorgeous Fragrant colorway) but have a pattern that needs to be re-knit since I gifted the first version. But it's hard to knuckle down to re-do something on such a beautiful spring break day.

Anyway, here are some snaps from this morning's adventure, including the new hat (pattern coming soon):

On the Highline


Lounging on the tracks with my new 'do

Night Watch Cap

17 March 2011

Sunshine Day

What a gorgeous day! And tomorrow is supposed to be even better.

Oddly enough, I haven't knit a stitch today. But I did write up a pattern. On my phone. While we were enjoying the fresh air and sunshine on campus. It's for the hat I knit up over the weekend, and I really like it, which is funny, considering the weather is too lovely to contemplate wearing a warm hat like this.

But I'll try to get some pictures tomorrow of the hat and a light sweater I finished last week because we're going to check out the Highline. I'm very excited, since I've never been, and we thought it would be a fun thing to do with the kids before Nick has to get back to teaching. And the pictures will be even better because I finally got a haircut today (ah, the exciting life of a WAHM).

So, visuals tomorrow, folks. Hope you had a great day, too.

16 March 2011

Home again, home again, jiggety jig

Yesterday was a long blur of time in the car punctuated by visits to some special places.

After hitting up Au Bon Pain, the Harvard Bookstore, and J. August, we bid Harvard Square farewell and drove up Routes 1 and 128 to one of the cutest yarn stores in New England, Yarns in the Farms. Sadly, Jill and Carolyn weren't there, but Jill's lovely daughter Anna was womanning the shop, which is as colorful and yarn-stuffed as ever, though probably not quite as stuffed as it had been over the weekend for the North Shore Yarn Crawl. And the cherry on top was that Captain Dusty's, the ice cream shop across the street, had just recently opened for the season - always a sure sign of spring. We did the naughty thing you're never supposed to do with your kids and had ice cream for lunch. Whoohoo, Spring Break!

Since we'd already hauled our offspring up to Beverly Farms, I decided it was best to go up to Gloucester now and not regret it later. We drove past my old house and then went in search of Coveted Yarn, which was also filled with yarn, including some yarns dyed by the owners sister right there on Cape Ann. Unfortunately for my stash I was pretty wiped, so only some cute buttons came home for the BSJ that's knit up but needs to be assembled:

Yes, that bright blue lump of knitting will soon be an adorable baby-filled jacket!

On our way back to New York we stopped in New Haven for some pizza. This time we tried Sally's (named for Salvatore Consiglio, not some chick named Sally), which is very much an old school family operation with signed photographs and letters from The Chairman of the Board himself and lots of Syracuse football plaques. The pizza (or should I say apizza) was yummy; however, things moved very slowly since there was only one man taking orders, writing up checks, and talking with the regulars, of which there seemed to be many happily eating their apizzas. My white clam was delicious (no mozz!). We'll try Modern Pizza next time (gotta try 'em all, you know), but if you've got the time and want to try wood-fired apizza, give Sally's a try.

So, now we're back in New York for the rest of Spring Break. Happily, the weather is supposed to improve over the rest of the week, and I did a lot of housework today, so I'll be free to play!

Knitblogger of the day: Babycocktails (3/15/11)

[Blogging the day after I should, since yesterday (Tuesday) was another travel day.]

Monday morning Penelope and I got to meet up with one of my favorite knitbloggers, Thea Colman of Babycocktails fame. We met some time back when Thea came down to New York City, and we did a mini yarn crawl with Colleen, Subway Knitter extraordinaire. Luckily, Thea had a little time for coffee, knitting, and designer shop talk in the midst of selling her house, so we met up at a groovy (and huge, especially by NYC standards) coffee shop, Diesel Cafe in Davis Square. We were too busy having fun and chatting to take any pictures, so you'll have to use your imagination :)

We did a little show-and-tell, Thea gave Penelope a little paper cocktail umbrella, which helped Miss P warm up to Thea, talked about how we do what we do. I even got a sneak peek inside Thea's design notebook. It's so interesting to see and discuss how we do things. Thea and I are more seat-of-the-pants types when it comes to designing, working out a lot of the details on the needles, while Thea's friend Amy Herzog of Fit-to-Flatter fame has everything written and spreadsheeted out before she knits a stitch.

I would love to hand the same yarn to a bunch of different designers and see what they come up with. I bet no two would be alike.

After a delicious latte topped with one of those foam designs (sort of a leafy branch thing), we stopped in to the Davis Sq. Goodwill to see what adventurous bargains they might have. There was even a dress form in the window Thea and I both noticed. But all I found was a big Spongebob coloring book for Penelope. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by the racks and racks of clothes, I think.

Penelope was a trooper on the T, and I even got to grab a burrito from Anna's Taqueria (one of my favorites) for lunch.

14 March 2011

Blogger of the day: The Ravell'd Sleave

What better day to select for mentioning my friend Bridget's blog than today, her birthday!

Bridget's blog is always interesting to read. She's got lovable furballs (including Riley's twin brother from another mother, Jetsam), a passion for Christmas, and monthly book reports with lots of great books you may want to check out yourself. Plus she was a docent at Eastern State, an historic penitentiary, in 2009 - be sure to go back in the archives and read about it. Seriously entertaining.

Be sure to go on over there and wish her a happy one. Happy birthday, Bridget! Keep up the good blog :)

Sunday Travelling

Perhaps there is a good reason not to travel on Sundays...

We drove up to Cambridge so Isobel could see her father and Nick could visit the rare book library at Harvard for some research on his own book. Penelope and I came along for the ride. Unfortunately, said little person got sick, not once, but twice, on the way up. Ick. But what are you going to do with a child who think yogurt and milk are a good breakfast? Personally, I need some starch (cereal, bread, waffle) to keep my stomach settled. Needless to say, we were all a bit frazzled by the end of the journey. While I'm sorry not to have made plans to see some of our family friends, it probably was for the best.

I did start working on a hat pattern in the car, though, and am really enjoying it. It's a watch cap but with a little more going on that will give it a few wearing options, if that makes sense. And I think this hat is going to be part of a small collection of patterns I am going to put together and publish in a booklet, or at least an e-book. They will be available individually, as well, but I think I have enough of a theme going to put them together.

Because, really, after all my years in book publishing, I should be able to do this. I've been a copy editor, writer/editor, production assistant, advertising designer, marketing specialist, graphic designer, web designer, and art director. I think I have the bases covered, don't you? So, I've been trying to get myself organized (hence, all those project sheets on my bulletin board to visualize the work completed and the work yet to be done). I'll keep you posted, obviously, and hope that actually mentioning it here on the blog will push me to make it happen.