Friday night: Left to my own devices I will choose the sappiest movies to watch. Well, perhaps not sappy. But I just watched
Never Been Kissed. I quite like Drew Barrymore despite her talking out the side of her mouth. I've always wondered if she had a minor stroke or something. And the male lead (oh, Michael Vartan - guess I should have watched
Alias) is cute. But why do I put myself through such things? The little misunderstandings. The romance. The kissing. I've come to realize that life is full of little landmines for those of us who don't have ... standard lives. The mention of any New England town. Happy families. The aforementioned kissing. I know most of us aren't standard. We all have our problems, our losses. But the world is constructed for happy families, whether they are the norm or no. Luckily, we all have our happinesses, I hope, and our gains, too. Some of us are lucky enough to have darling little people in our lives, and dear friends and family.
OK, to redeem myself I've just popped in the new
Pride and Prejudice with Kiera Knightley. I think I prefer the BBC adaptation (come on, Colin Firth as Darcy), but the interiors in this new one remind me of my
home, so back to sappy. Why didn't I pop it in sooner?
So, what are your top ten movies?
Mine would be (there are some copouts, I confess):
The Philadelphia Story
any Jane Austen adaptation - I know, a copout, but what can I do?
Rear Window
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
La Belle et la Bete - oh, Jean Cocteau, such delightful flights of fancy
the sci-fi fantasy series movies of the age: Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings/Star Wars (at heart I am a geeky girl - hope you're not surprised)
So, I Married an Axe Murderer
From Russia with Love - my favorite Bond, and there is no one like Sean Connery
Xanadu - duh