01 November 2017

Ten years ago today I got off the plane with my toddling daughter and a couple of suitcases to begin a new life in a new place. Who knew that after all the ups and downs of my previous life, I would find my way (back) to this man, so that we could build a complicated, challenging, wonderful life together. Grateful to be #tenyearsanewyorker . . .

Ten years ago today I got off the plane with my toddling daughter and a couple of suitcases to begin a new life in a new place. Who knew that after all the ups and downs of my previous life, I would find my way (back) to this man, so that we could build a complicated, challenging, wonderful life together. Grateful to be #tenyearsanewyorker . . . #iftttkd via Instagram http://bit.ly/2A8iJ3y

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