It's been an eventful month-plus around these parts, so blogging fell by the wayside. Penelope came in under weight at her four-month check-up in December, so we were on a rigorous, eat-around-the-clock schedule to get her (and my milk makers) back on track. As a result she gained nine ounces in a week, which was very good. Since then we travelled to Chicago for the holidays, spending time with Nick's parents in their lovely apartment downtown (not far from Loopy Yarns - more on them later), plus a few days with my folks. Before we left the Windy City Nick had come down with a cold, Isobel's cough returned, and Penelope get her first real cold, which, of course, turned into an ear infection. This charming bug made her refuse to eat on one side due to pressure on the ear, which messed with my newly increased supply. Super fun. But we're all back on track now, and hopefully she'll be chunked up enough at tomorrow's weigh-in to start on solids. She seems ready, is interested in what we're eating, sits in her high chair with us at meals, and is cutting her first tooth.
On the knitting front I decided to do a lot of stash diving and knit up presents for almost everyone on the list:
-Hemlock Blanket for my parents in Cascade Eco-Wool - I want to knit one of these for me!
-Hats for Nick's parents and sister - tam for Louise in some yummy Magenta Madeline Tosh Sock Yarn, a slouchier beret for Alexa in BMFA's Monsoon Socks That Rock, and a ribbed watch cap for John in Malabrigo's Paris Night Merino Worsted (almost finished!)
Gifted Mittens (that Kate Gilbert is genius - love this pattern!) and a pair of
Fetchings (that Cheryl Niamath is no slouch, either) for Karen and her family - Blizzard for Bill, Encore Worsted for the kids (washable!), and some prized Debbie Bliss Cashmerino for the Fetchings
-Leg warmers for Isobel in the 1824 wool that refuses to become a sweater for her
-Knitted chain mail for Stephen in Encore

Having lost a week to the "Plump Up Penelope" campaign, I still have to knit or finish:
-that hat for John (I do love Malabrigo - that merino is as soft as cashmere!)
-Teddy Bears for my niece and nephew (fiddly finishing work)
-Cabled Footies from
One Skein for my grandmother using up some more of that 1824 Wool
-some lovely item for my lovely sister in a prized skein of wool from
Romney Ridge Farm - no idea yet, and she leaves for Germany tomorrow to start a PhD on Afghanistan, so this will probably be a longer-term project

Notice anything? Nothing on that list for Nick or Penelope. Luckily, they are two very understanding people. Nick is going to get a hat at some point, and Penelope might, too. Waiting in the wings is my second sock and a huge queue on Ravelry, plus some new yarn from
Loopy Yarns (half-price Louet Merino Gems Worsted - enough for a sweater, two skeins of Malabrigo sock yarn for a light cardi, and a tote bag designed by

Apologies for the lack of FO pictures, but I was in such a sleep-deprived haze for the last few weeks that I gave folks their presents without documenting them. I'll see if I can rectify that at some point!